I Heart Forever

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Содержание книги - I Heart Forever Lindsey Kelk

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’Brilliantly funny’ Paige Toon‘I loved it!’ Louise PentlandA wedding in Manhattan…and someone’s keeping a secret.The day her husband Alex picks up a backpack and goes travelling, Angela Clark promises to stay out of trouble and keep both Louboutins on the ground.So when her best friend’s boyfriend confides in her, it can’t hurt to help him pick out a ring at Tiffany’s surely?And when her fashion magazine announces major changes, being terminally late and arguing with your boss isn’t that bad, is it?Then suddenly there’s another big secret Angela’s got to keep – and the man she loves is still thousands of miles away. As the wedding of the year looms, Angela is going to need her friends by her side as her old life looks set to change forever.

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