The Girl in the Ragged Shawl

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Содержание книги - The Girl in the Ragged Shawl Cathy Sharp

The Girl in the Ragged Shawl - описание и краткое содержание, автор Cathy Sharp, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Heartbreaking and uplifting, the story of the workhouse orphan, Eliza, will touch your heart…Eliza was left as a small baby at the workhouse in Whitechapel, wrapped in her mother’s shawl, which is all she has of the mother she never knew. At eleven years-old, she has survived sickness, near starvation and harsh beatings.Master Simpkins and his cruel daughter rule the workhouse with a rod of iron, but when Romany boy, Joe, arrives at the workhouse, his spirit and courage give Eliza hope that another life is waiting for her outside.When she is sold into service, Eliza is relieved to be out of the workhouse and hopes her fortunes are changing for the better, but cruelty and unkindness are everywhere and her salvation could become her ruin…

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