Risk Management for Islamic Banks

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Содержание книги - Risk Management for Islamic Banks Rosmanita Fenny, Prasetyo Budi Muhammad, Imam Wahyudi, Putri Iwani Niken

Risk Management for Islamic Banks - описание и краткое содержание, автор Rosmanita Fenny, Prasetyo Budi Muhammad, Imam Wahyudi, Putri Iwani Niken, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Risk Management for Islamic Banks: Recent Developments from Asia and the Middle East analyzes risk management strategies in Islamic banking, presented from the perspectives of different banking institutions. Using comprehensive global case studies, the book details the risks involving various banking institutions in Indonesia, Malaysia, UAE, Bahrain, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, pointing out the different management strategies that arise as a result of Islamic banking practices. Readers gain insight into risk management as a comprehensive system, and a process of interlinked continuous cycles that integrate into every business activity within Islamic banks. The unique processes inherent in Islamic banking bring about complex risks not experienced by traditional banks. From Shariah compliance, to equity participation contracts, to complicated sale contracts, Islamic banks face unique market risks. Risk Management for Islamic Banks covers the creation of an appropriate risk management environment, as well as a stage-based implementation strategy that includes risk identification, measurement, mitigation, monitoring, controlling, and reporting. The book begins with a discussion of the philosophy of risk management, then delves deeper into the issue with topics like: The book also discusses the future potential and challenges of Islamic banking, and outlines the risk management pathway. As an examination of the wisdom, knowledge, and ideal practice of Islamic banking, Risk Management for Islamic Banks contains valuable insights for those active in the Islamic market.

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