Group Policy

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Содержание книги - Group Policy Jeremy Moskowitz

Group Policy - описание и краткое содержание, автор Jeremy Moskowitz, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Group Policy, Fundamentals, Security, and the Managed Desktop, 3rd Edition helps you streamline Windows and Windows Server management using the latest Group Policy tools and techniques. This updated edition covers Windows 10 and Windows Server vNext, bringing you up to speed on all the newest settings, features, and best practices. Microsoft Group Policy MVP Jeremy Moskowitz teaches you the major categories of Group Policy, essential troubleshooting techniques, and how to manage your Windows desktops. This is your complete guide to the latest Group Policy features and functions for all modern Windows clients and servers, helping you manage more efficiently and effectively. Perform true desktop and server management with the Group Policy Preferences, ADMX files, and additional add-ons Use every feature of the GPMC and become a top-notch administrator Troubleshoot Group Policy using tools, enhanced logs, Resource Kit utilities, and third-party tools Manage printers, drive maps, restrict hardware, and configure Internet Explorer Deploy software to your desktops, set up roaming profiles, and configure Offline Files for all your Windows clients—and manage it all with Group Policy settings Secure your desktops and servers with AppLocker, Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, and the Security Configuration Manager This is your comprehensive resource to staying current, with expert tips, techniques, and insight.

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