One in a Million: The no 1 bestseller and the perfect romance for autumn 2018

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Содержание книги - One in a Million: The no 1 bestseller and the perfect romance for autumn 2018 Lindsey Kelk

One in a Million: The no 1 bestseller and the perfect romance for autumn 2018 - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lindsey Kelk, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

‘A corker…hilarious!’ Giovanna Fletcher'Full of heart and very, very funny' Paige ToonEveryone wants that special someone….Annie Higgins has one goal this year: to get her tiny business off the ground. But – infuriated by the advertising agency across the hall making fun of her job – Annie is goaded into accepting their crazy challenge: to make a random stranger Instagram-famous in just thirty days.And even when they choose Dr Samuel Page PhD, historian and hater of social media, as her target, Annie’s determined to win the bet – whether Sam likes it or not.But getting to know Sam means getting to know more about herself. And before the thirty days are out, Annie has to make a decision about what’s really important…Funny, real and heart-meltingly romantic, Annie and Sam’s story is My Fair Lady for the social media age – and the perfect feel-good read.

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