Starman: Book Three of the Axis Trilogy

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Содержание книги - Starman: Book Three of the Axis Trilogy Sara Douglass

Starman: Book Three of the Axis Trilogy - описание и краткое содержание, автор Sara Douglass, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Epic fantasy in the tradition of Trudi Canavan, Fiona McIntosh and Robert Jordan. StarMan concludes the first Tencendor trilogy with an unexpected and glorious climax.Weakened by their terrible encounter with Borneheld’s men, Axis and his army are forced to march north as Gorgrael breaks through Jervois Landing and invades Tencendor with ice and terror. But under a sky black with Gryphon, Axis discovers that he’s confronting a seemingly invincible enemy.As the Prophecy of the Destroyer hurtles towards fulfilment, Azhure and StarDrifter unravel the mysteries of the Island of Mist and Memory, where they finally confront WolfStar; Faraday moves east to replant the ancient forests of Tencendor; and the Sentinels begin a lonely journey planned for them thousands of years ago.Enveloping all looms the promise of treachery – treachery that threatens to strike into the very heart of Axis and Azhure’s family.

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