Don't Tempt Me

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Содержание книги - Don't Tempt Me Lori Foster

Don't Tempt Me - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lori Foster, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Love comes along when it's least wantedJason Guthrie has no time for entanglements—between helping out his widowed brother and teenage nephew and getting his hometown back on its feet, his days are spoken for. But his nights are another story… And when his lovely new neighbour, Honor Brown, reluctantly accepts his help in remodelling her house, Jason finds himself wishing his handyman skills could knock down the defences she keeps building around herself.Martial arts teacher Sullivan Dean knows real danger when he sees it—even when it takes the form of the gorgeous blonde helping her friend move in across the street. After putting his wayward past behind him to focus on teaching control to troubled kids, Sullivan has learned to avoid party girls like Lexie Perkins. But Sullivan can't seem to keep his hands off the real woman behind that flirty charm—or keep his heart from landing at her feet…

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