City of the Lost

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Содержание книги - City of the Lost Will Adams

City of the Lost - описание и краткое содержание, автор Will Adams, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

A high-stakes thriller which weaves Turkey’s war-torn past with action, adventure and conspiracy.A TERRIFYING ATTACKSouthern Turkey. Business intelligence operative Iain Black, having survived the hotel bombing that killed his friend and partner, vows to find out who was responsible – then make them pay.A PAST THAT WON’T STAY BURIEDHistorian Karin Visser, who also lost friends in the blast, teams up with Iain to uncover secrets hidden deep within the region’s past, from the bloody division of Cyprus all the way back to the Trojan War.AN EXPLOSIVE SECRETPiecing the puzzle together, Iain and Karin discover the shocking conspiracy behind the blast. But now they’re running out of time to reveal it – before they’re silenced for good.

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