Hard Knocks: An Ultimate Novella

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Содержание книги - Hard Knocks: An Ultimate Novella Lori Foster

Hard Knocks: An Ultimate Novella - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lori Foster, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

In the stunning prequel novella to her new mixed martial arts series, New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster brings together an elite fighter and the woman he's determined to win.Power. Brute strength. Unforgettable moves. It's no wonder Harper Gates hasn't been able to get her fling with Gage «Savage» Ringer out of her head. Months have passed since she laid eyes–or any other body parts–on him. Months without a word of contact…until, sidelined by injury, he comes back to town.Staying focused on his training seemed like a smart move to Gage, even if he thought about Harper every day. Seeing her again only makes it clear how much is at stake. He's got one night to earn back her trust. One night to show her that behind his breathtaking skill and ripped body is a man who'll give her everything she needs.Don't miss No Limits, the first novel in Lori Foster's Ultimate series.

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