Charade: Impetuous / Outrageous

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Содержание книги - Charade: Impetuous / Outrageous Lori Foster

Charade: Impetuous / Outrageous - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lori Foster, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Love isn't always what it seems in these two timeless tales from New York Times bestselling author Lori FosterIMPETUOUSWhen grade school teacher Carlie McDaniels trades in her frumpiness for an exotic harem girl Halloween costume, it's so long, spinsterhood–and hello, tall, dark and handsome Tyler Ramsey. But even after the best night of their lives, Tyler hasn't guessed the identity of his harem hottie…and Carlie plans on keeping him in the dark. After all, a gorgeous guy like Tyler would never fall for his smart-talking best friend. And Carlie's not sure what would happen if he ever unveiled the naked truth!OUTRAGEOUSJudd Sanders couldn't believe it when the beautiful, wide-eyed woman he'd rescued from some drunk hoodlums started poking her gorgeous little nose into his business. She was obviously a menace to herself–not to mention to his libido. Worse, she'd blow his cover. For little did Emily Cooper know that Judd was really a cop–whose feelings for Emily left him a little too uncovered for his liking.

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