Secrets of the Human Body

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Содержание книги - Secrets of the Human Body Andrew Cohen, Xand van Tulleken, Chris van Tulleken

Secrets of the Human Body - описание и краткое содержание, автор Andrew Cohen, Xand van Tulleken, Chris van Tulleken, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

206 bones. One heart. Two eyes. Ten fingers. You may think we know what makes up a human. But it turns out our bodies are full of surprises.What makes tears of joy different from tears of sadness?Why is a gut feeling so much smarter than you think?And why is 90% of you not even human?You may think you know the human body – heart, lungs, brain and bones – but it’s time to think again. Your body is full of extraordinary mysteries that science is only just beginning to understand. This book, which accompanies a major new BBC TV programme, turns your knowledge of the human body on its head. Leading us through all of these revelations are stories of everyday miracles – the human stories that bind every one of us together through the universal stages of life. From the most extreme environments on Earth, to the most extreme events, we reveal the extraordinary abilities every human shares.Combining cutting-edge science with cutting-edge technology, we see the human body like never before. Featuring pioneering specialist photography, a new generation of digital effects will allow us to catch a tantalising glimpse beneath our skin, leading you to discover the secrets that make every ordinary human body … extraordinary.

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