Back to Buckhorn

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Содержание книги - Back to Buckhorn Lori Foster

Back to Buckhorn - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lori Foster, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

From New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster comes a sizzling new Buckhorn Brothers novellaFor odd-girl-out Zoey Hodge, the best thing about Buckhorn, Kentucky, was leaving it behind. And now she's back–at least until she can nurse her mother back to health and hightail it out of there anew. But there's one person she doesn't mind seeing again. Garrett Hudson was one of the few who was always kind to her. Now he's a firefighter–still one of the good guys, but with a sexy alpha charm that's tempting her inner bad girl.In school, Zoey was smart, witty and unafraid to be herself. Garrett fell hard back then, and he's falling even faster now. As far as he's concerned, there are all kinds of reasons Zoey should stick around. Her pet grooming business. Her mom. And the chance for him to prove that he can be her real-life hero in every way that matters….Look for more titles in the Buckhorn Brothers series, available now from Lori Foster and Harlequin HQN: Buckhorn Beginnings, Forever Buckhorn, The Buckhorn Legacy and the novella «Buckhorn Ever After» in the Animal Attraction anthology.

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