Shade’s Children

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Содержание книги - Shade’s Children Garth Nix

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On your 14th birthday, you’re dead meat…Chilling SF adventure from international bestselling author Garth Nix.In a futuristic urban wasteland, evil Overlords have decreed that no child shall live a day past his fourteenth birthday. On that Sad Birthday, the child is the object of an obscene harvest resulting in the construction of a machinelike creature whose sole purpose is to kill.The mysterious Shade – once a man, but now more like the machines he fights – recruits the few children fortunate enough to escape. With luck, cunning, and skill, four of Shade's children come closer than any to discovering the source of the Overlords' power – and the key to their downfall. But the closer the children get, the more ruthless Shade seems to become…

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