Gangsta Granny

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Содержание книги - Gangsta Granny David Walliams

Gangsta Granny - описание и краткое содержание, автор David Walliams, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

A hilarious and moving story of old age, adventure, stolen jewels and swimming the Thames, from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing children’s author in the country.“I absolutely love David Walliams's books. In a few more years they will become classics.” – Sue Townsend, author of Adrian MoleOur hero Ben is bored beyond belief after he is made to stay at his grandma’s house. She’s the boringest grandma ever: all she wants to do is to play Scrabble, and eat cabbage soup. But there are two things Ben doesn’t know about his grandma.1) She was once an international jewel thief.2) All her life, she has been plotting to steal the Crown Jewels, and now she needs Ben’s help…

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