Little Wolf’s Diary of Daring Deeds

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Содержание книги - Little Wolf’s Diary of Daring Deeds Ian Whybrow

Little Wolf’s Diary of Daring Deeds - описание и краткое содержание, автор Ian Whybrow, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

A new edition of the second novel about much-loved character Little Wolf, as he sets up his Adventure Academy with his cousin Yeller and little brother Smellybreff. From the author of the MEERKAT MADNESS books and HARRY AND THE BUCKETFUL OF DINOSAURS.Little Wolf inherits two things from his Uncle Bigbad – his gold and Cunning College, his school of badness. Little and his cousin Yeller decide that BADNESS is out and that ADVENTURES are in. But their first mistake is thinking that they can buy adventures. Their second mistake is to reply to Mister Marvo’s advert for Instant Adventures [Scary but Safe]. The result is they find themselves caught up in a real adventure. But Little is scared of bangs; snow gives Yeller the trembles; their new friend Stubbs, the crow, is too frit to fly and… Smellybreff gets cubnapped. Will they be able to get through Frettnin Forest and over the Grim Mountains? Will they manage to cross the Perrilus Pass into Grimshire? Can they battle across the White Wildness, the Shivering Seas and conquer Vile Island. YOU BET THEY CAN!Little Wolf’s letters about his daring deeds will delight anyone with a sense of fun, both young or old, especially those who have already enjoyed Little Wolf’s Book of Badness.

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