You Are Destined To Be Together Forever [an Odd Thomas short story]

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Содержание книги - You Are Destined To Be Together Forever [an Odd Thomas short story] Dean Koontz

You Are Destined To Be Together Forever [an Odd Thomas short story] - описание и краткое содержание, автор Dean Koontz, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Odd Thomas’s singular journey is approaching its unforgettable conclusion in SAINT ODD. But before Odd’s destiny is revealed, this exclusive eBook short story looks back to where it all began for Odd Thomas and Stormy Llewellyn, two souls who are destined to be together forever.Odd Thomas, a 16 year old fry-cook with a gift for seeing the recently deceased, and his girlfriend Stormy Llewellyn (and in the backseat, the spirit of Elvis Presley) are on their way to the annual carnival when a man with a machete embedded in his neck hurls himself into their borrowed car, with all the nimble grace of the lingering dead.Someone, somewhere close by is in imminent danger. Odd and Stormy must postpone their visit to the fair and its fortune-telling machine in order to avert a brutal crime…

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