The Long Exile: A true story of deception and survival amongst the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic

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Содержание книги - The Long Exile: A true story of deception and survival amongst the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic Melanie McGrath

The Long Exile: A true story of deception and survival amongst the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic - описание и краткое содержание, автор Melanie McGrath, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

A chilling true story of deception and survival set amidst the Inuit communities of the Canadian Arctic.In 1922 the Irish-American explorer Robert Flaherty made a film called ‘Nanook of the North’ which captured the world's imagination. Soon afterwards, he quit the Arctic for good, leaving behind his bastard son, Joseph, to grow up Eskimo.Thirty years later a young, inexperienced policeman, Ross Gibson, was asked by the Canadian government to draw up a list of Inuit who were to be resettled in the uninhabited polar Arctic and left to fend as best they could. Joseph Flaherty and his family were on that list. They were told they were going to an Arctic Eden of spring flowers and polar bears. But it didn't turn out that way, and this, Joseph Flaherty's story, tells how it did.

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