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Содержание книги - MADE IN ESSEX Laura Ziepe

MADE IN ESSEX - описание и краткое содержание, автор Laura Ziepe, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Champagne, cat-fights and a very tricky love triangle …Life is pretty good for Jade. She’s happily settled with her gorgeous boyfriend Sam and the bikini business she’s set up with her best friend Kelly is going from strength to strength.You could say that Jade’s life is almost too good to be true – at least that’s what her old acquaintance Adele thinks and Adele is sick of Jade getting all the attention. But Adele’s not too worried – she has a secret – a powerful secret – one that could pull Sam and Jade apart and destroy everything that Jade has worked so hard for.With friendships and relationships falling apart, just how far will Adele go to get what she wants?Addictive chick-lit with bite– Made in Essex will have you hooked from the get-go. Perfect for fans of Paige Toon and Sophie Kinsella.

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