This Isn’t the Sort of Thing That Happens to Someone Like You

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Содержание книги - This Isn’t the Sort of Thing That Happens to Someone Like You Jon McGregor

This Isn’t the Sort of Thing That Happens to Someone Like You - описание и краткое содержание, автор Jon McGregor, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Tender, sad, funny, and riveting, this is an astonishing collection of work by one of Britain's finest contemporary writers.A man builds a tree house by a river, in anticipation of the coming flood. A sugar-beet crashes through a young woman's windscreen. A boy sets fire to a barn. These aren't the sort of things you imagine happening to someone like you. But sometimes they do.Set in the flat and threatened fenland landscape, where the sky is dominant and the sea lurks just beyond the horizon, these delicate, dangerous, and sometimes deeply funny stories tell of things buried and unearthed, of familiar places made strange, and of lives where much is hidden, much is at risk, and tender moments are hard-won.

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