Under Fire

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Содержание книги - Under Fire Lindsay McKenna

Under Fire - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lindsay McKenna, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Brash, independent Navy pilot Maggie Donovan never dreamed her career–or her heart–would come under fire. But when she teamed up with sinfully sexy Wes Bishop, Maggie had met her match. From the first, Wes was enraptured with the fiery Maggie…and he suspected there was a wealth of womanly tenderness within her just waiting to be tapped. Yet when heart-stopping danger put them both to the test, Wes realized that Maggie's courage and passion reached beyond his wildest imaginings…WOMEN OF GLORYDana Colter, Maggie Donovan, Molly Rutledge–three daring valiant WOMEN OF GLORY. Fighting for life and country against impossible odds in the name of friendship, honor –and love.

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