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Содержание книги - Tucker Lori Foster

Tucker - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lori Foster, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

It’ll take a wild storm for the princess of Buckhorn, Kentucky, to catch the new sheriff’s eye—and heart—in this scorching new Buckhorn novella…Kady Kaspar’s sights have been set on Tucker Turley for far too long—and she's tired of waiting for Buckhorn’s handsome sheriff to notice her. When a heavy storm brings them together, it’s about time to test the waters and see if the intense attraction she feels goes both ways. Because if it does, he’s about to learn how stubborn she can be…Of all the things Tucker expected to deal with when the rain started to pour, a litter of stranded puppies and the spitfire Kady determined to seduce him sure didn’t make the list. Yet there he was, bachelor pad overflowing with furballs and Kady in his bedroom. He’s wanted her for years, but given her family’s prestige, he needs to know that she’s serious before he makes any further moves… but will his caution cost him everything?Don't miss the other titles in the Buckhorn Brothers series, including Buckhorn Beginnings, Forever Buckhorn, The Buckhorn Legacy, Buckhorn Ever After in the All For You anthology, Back to Buckhorn, A Buckhorn Summer, A Buckhorn Bachelor, and A Buckhorn Baby.

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