Sex, Lies and Midnight

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Содержание книги - Sex, Lies and Midnight Tawny Weber

Sex, Lies and Midnight - описание и краткое содержание, автор Tawny Weber, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

He's lying. She's lying. And before long, they're lying. Together. And naked…Born into a con artist family, Maya Nicholas abandoned the grifting life to live on the straight-and-narrow (and somewhat dull) years ago. But when her family is threatened – and the swindlers are on the verge of becoming the swindled – Maya swings into action. All she needs is a stand-in boyfriend – and the charming, tasty-as-sin Simon Barton will do quite nicely, thanks.But Simon has a little lie of his own. He’s FBI, and Maya is his inside track to her less-savoury relations. It’s a mutual using – which quickly turns into a scorching mutual attraction. In fact, their naughty little sexcapades are the only thing they aren’t faking!

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