Fit To Be Frisked: Fit To Be Frisked / Mr. Cool Under Fire

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Содержание книги - Fit To Be Frisked: Fit To Be Frisked / Mr. Cool Under Fire Carol Finch

Fit To Be Frisked: Fit To Be Frisked / Mr. Cool Under Fire - описание и краткое содержание, автор Carol Finch, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Meet the Bachelors of Hoot's Roost, Oklahoma, where love comes sweepin' down the plain!Fit to Be Frisked by Carol FinchTake your best shot!Cowboy Vance Ryder is footloose and fancy-free–until he plays a prank on gorgeous rookie cop Miranda Jackson. She fines him for his stupidity, but the police chief hits the roof and sentences both of them to a week in each other's company. Miranda doesn't want to be attracted to fun-loving Vance. But it isn't long before she's practically arresting him for theft–he's stolen her heart!Mr. Cool Under Fire by Carol FinchUnder siege!Gage Ryder, confirmed bachelor and mystery man, takes on a temporary assignment as a bodyguard. But Mr. Cool Under Fire is definitely rattled when he meets his client–the feisty and playful Mackenzie Shafer must pose as his wife! She's more temptation than Gage can handle. How can he save Mackenzie from the bad guys when he can't protect himself from her sexy charm?

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