True Confessions of the Stratford Park PTA

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Содержание книги - True Confessions of the Stratford Park PTA Nancy Robards Thompson

True Confessions of the Stratford Park PTA - описание и краткое содержание, автор Nancy Robards Thompson, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH…Join the PTA? Yes, according to Maggie, Barbara and Elizabeth. Because despite their differences–one is a recent widow; one is a late-in-life mother; and one is a supermom whose surprise pregnancy, she fears, will result in complications–all three women have one thing in common: their daughters. They'd do anything for them….But is anything enough?Because one girl just can't adjust, one is terrified to be alone–and one is the mystery blogger who's wreaking havoc from one end of the student body to the other. Seems as if there are a lot of secrets in this small town. And despite the gossip, not a lot of talking going on….

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