It Started With One Night: The Magnate's Mistress / His Bride for One Night / Master of Her Virtue

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Содержание книги - It Started With One Night: The Magnate's Mistress / His Bride for One Night / Master of Her Virtue Miranda Lee

It Started With One Night: The Magnate's Mistress / His Bride for One Night / Master of Her Virtue - описание и краткое содержание, автор Miranda Lee, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The Magnate’s MistressTara was Australian hotel magnate Max Richmond’s mistress. She loved Max not for the gifts he gave her, their glamorous life, or even their intense lovemaking. But whoever heard of a pregnant mistress? His Bride for One NightSuccessful divorce lawyer Daniel Bannister was certain there was no such thing as love. He lived his life with no strings attached. So why did Daniel meet and marry Charlotte Gale within twenty-four hours?Master of Her VirtueShy, cautious Violet has kept herself safe. Now she’s accepting every invitation and looking for a man who will seduce her… Enter Leo Wolfe, renowned film director, power, wealth and attraction personified. But is Violet really ready?

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