Hot On His Trail

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Содержание книги - Hot On His Trail Linda Winstead Jones

Hot On His Trail - описание и краткое содержание, автор Linda Winstead Jones, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The trial was supposed to be television reporter Shea Sinclair's big break – her chance to show the world she wasn't just some empty-headed "weather girl.”Then she became the story when Nick Taggert, a contractor on trial for murder, bolted from the courtroom and took her with him – at gunpoint…. But she soon found herself an all-too-willing "hostage.” This man was dangerous, all right – especially to a woman who looked too long into those beautiful blue eyes of his – but he was no murderer.And she intended to help him prove it. Because when they were finished running from the law, she was going to make him her prisoner – for life….

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