Outrageous Confessions of Lady Deborah

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Содержание книги - Outrageous Confessions of Lady Deborah Marguerite Kaye

Outrageous Confessions of Lady Deborah - описание и краткое содержание, автор Marguerite Kaye, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

JUST WHO IS LADY DEBORAH?I am the Dowager Countess of Kinsail, and I have enough secrets to scandalise you for life. I will never reveal the truth of my soul-destroying marriage – some things are too dark to be told. But at least no one can guess that I, a famously icy-hearted widow, am also the authoress of the shamelessly voluptuous romances currently shocking the ton…!Only now I have a new secret identity, one that I will risk my life to keep – accomplice to Elliot Marchmont, gentleman, ex-soldier and notorious London thief. This adventurer’s expert touch ignites in me a passion so intoxicating that surviving our blistering affair unscathed will be near impossible…

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