Bedded by the Greek Billionaire

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Содержание книги - Bedded by the Greek Billionaire Kate Walker

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Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.Taken for passion…or ruthless retribution?As a naïve teenager, Jessica Marshall fell achingly in love with a gorgeous Greek – Angelos Rousakis. But her clumsy attempt at attracting his attention cost Angelos everything. Seven years later, Angelos Rousakis is back. Hard and powerful, he intends to claim what is his – and that includes Jessica! However, the once innocent girl now pretends that she feels nothing for Angelos…which only inflames his passion for her further…As Jessica falls for the sexy billionaire all over again, she cannot be sure. Is he back for passion…or retribution…?

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