Against The Odds

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Содержание книги - Against The Odds Donna Kauffman

Against The Odds - описание и краткое содержание, автор Donna Kauffman, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Misty Fortune is a famous erotica author – a convincing one, too, despite her considerably more tepid real-life sexual experience.Worried that her extended dry spell is affecting her writing, Misty heads to a unique Las Vegas resort, one that promises to fulfill every sexual fantasy a guest could want. But an unexpected encounter with a gorgeous fire marshal has her thinking that a session with him would be hotter than anything the resort has to offer…. Tucker Greywolf knew it was his lucky day when the Las Vegas police asked him to assist on a case involving an unusual hedonistic resort.But he never imagined he'd meet this lusty English writer – so teasingly prim and proper, yet so sexually adventurous – and offer his services! He figures four days helping Misty tap in to her erotic side during his stay in town would be the break he needs, but four days may not be nearly enough!

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