One Reckless Decision: Majesty, Mistress...Missing Heir / Katrakis's Last Mistress / Princess From the Past

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Содержание книги - One Reckless Decision: Majesty, Mistress...Missing Heir / Katrakis's Last Mistress / Princess From the Past CAITLIN CREWS

One Reckless Decision: Majesty, Mistress...Missing Heir / Katrakis's Last Mistress / Princess From the Past - описание и краткое содержание, автор CAITLIN CREWS, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

MAJESTY, MISTRESS…MISSING HEIRAs treacherous and formidable as the desert he wishes to rule, Sheikh Tariq bin Khalid Al-Nur is furious that he cannot take the throne until he marries. But he cannot wed until he’s rid his dreams of the ordinary but bewitching Jessa Heath… And Jess has a secret she’s desperate to keep hidden…KATRAKIS’S LAST MISTRESSNotorious Nikos Katrakis was looking for a new mistress when heiress Tristanne Barbery offered herself to him. Could satisfaction and revenge really be that easy? To Nikos’s surprise, Tristanne was not the biddable good-time girl he’d expected…and soon his plans for vengeance came crumbling down around him!PRINCESS FROM THE PASTMarrying free-spirited Bethany is the only reckless thing Prince Leo has ever done and now he is paying the price. The time has come for him to produce a royal heir – and Bethany must return to the castle she’d run from!

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