One Summer Night: An Indecent Proposition / Beholden to the Throne / Hers For One Night Only?

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Содержание книги - One Summer Night: An Indecent Proposition / Beholden to the Throne / Hers For One Night Only? CAROL MARINELLI

One Summer Night: An Indecent Proposition / Beholden to the Throne / Hers For One Night Only? - описание и краткое содержание, автор CAROL MARINELLI, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

An Indecent PropositionZander Kargas assumes he can acquire secretary Charlotte by reaching for his wallet – except she can’t be bought and is the only woman to fire his blood! So Zander must entice her… beginning with a very indecent proposition!Beholden to the Throne Outspoken nanny Amy Bannester forgets that servitude and silence should go hand in hand and Sheikh Emir can think of other pleasurable uses for her luscious mouth… But not as his bride! He needs a male heir – and Amy can’t give him one…Hers for One Night Only? After a traumatic day, paediatrician Dominic Mansfield arrives at a party craving escape. Vulnerable isn’t his usual type, but Bridgette intrigues him. Dominic’s flings, no matter how hot, are one night only, yet the next day he’s knocking on her door!

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