Champagne Summer: At the Argentinean Billionaire's Bidding / Powerful Italian, Penniless Housekeeper

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Содержание книги - Champagne Summer: At the Argentinean Billionaire's Bidding / Powerful Italian, Penniless Housekeeper India Grey

Champagne Summer: At the Argentinean Billionaire's Bidding / Powerful Italian, Penniless Housekeeper - описание и краткое содержание, автор India Grey, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Tamsin and the Argentinean Tamsin’s ready to spend her summer relaxing and topping up her tan.Until Alejandro – the man who nearly destroyed her reputation – comes back into her life. Now his world of champagne and scandal awaits her once again…and Tamsin’s determined to make up for lost time. Sarah and the Italian Sarah’s summers are about spending time with her little girl.She never has a chance to think about herself. Then film director Lorenzo turns her life upside down. Thrust into a world of glitz, glamour and gossip pages, Sarah’s about to have the most exciting summer of her life.Enter the glittering celebrity world with two unforgettable summer stories

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