Amber's Wedding

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Содержание книги - Amber's Wedding SARA WOOD

Amber's Wedding - описание и краткое содержание, автор SARA WOOD, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

A wedding to remember!The bride was resplendent, the groom was handsome, the location was grand and the cream of society was there. It was a glorious affair – with just a few small hitches. The groom was behaving both jealously and possessively, yet strangely Jake and Amber were friends but not lovers.Amber, however, was pregnant – with another man's child. All in all it wasn't your average wedding, and the best was yet to come: Jake was about to reveal to Amber a secret about her past, her family. It was a revelation that would change her life and uncover Jake's true motives for marrying her. It was all happening at Amber's wedding.Three women are looking for their family – what they truly seek is love. Things are rarely as they seem, in Sara Wood's intriguing family trilogy.

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