Tell Me You Do: The Guy to Be Seen With / The Rebound Guy

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Содержание книги - Tell Me You Do: The Guy to Be Seen With / The Rebound Guy Fiona Harper

Tell Me You Do: The Guy to Be Seen With / The Rebound Guy - описание и краткое содержание, автор Fiona Harper, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

From London to New York…with Love. Chloe Michaels is determined not to fall for new colleague Daniel Bradford – especially as he doesn’t remember rejecting her years ago! But London’s most infamous bachelor has other plans – one date with Chloe every month to deflect the media attention on his love life…and maybe just win her heart for real! After a hard last few years, Daniel’s sister Kelly just wants a steady life – and that means no dating! So she absolutely, categorically should not be fantasising about her boss Jason Knight. But a business trip to the Big Apple-and a rebound fling- could be just what Kelly needs to make her feel alive again…

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