Father Of The Brood

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Содержание книги - Father Of The Brood Elizabeth Bevarly

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CELEBRATION 1000 FROM HERE TO PATERNITY BACHELOR FOR SALE Maybe you can't buy love, but in Annie Malone's case, it wasn't for lack of trying! And though the housemother of twelve bids on Ike Guthrie for the sake of her «children,» one look at his healthy physique and penetrating blue eyes had Annie realizing that spending the weekend alone with him might not be a sacrifice.PACKAGE DEALIke Guthrie didn't know how he got involved in this bachelor auction, but one thing was for sure: though his «buyer» might be unexpectedly sexy, her kids were more than he had bargained for. FROM HERE TO PATERNITY: These three men weren't exactly expecting – and fatherhood wasn't the only thing the stork delivered!CELEBRATION 1000: Come celebrate the publication of the 1000th Silhouette Desire, with scintillating love stories by some of your favorite writers!

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