The Regency Season: Blackmailed Brides: The Scarlet Gown / Lady Beneath the Veil

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Содержание книги - The Regency Season: Blackmailed Brides: The Scarlet Gown / Lady Beneath the Veil Sarah Mallory

The Regency Season: Blackmailed Brides: The Scarlet Gown / Lady Beneath the Veil - описание и краткое содержание, автор Sarah Mallory, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

You will say ‘I do!’The Scarlet GownImpoverished Lucy Halbrook is to play fake fiancée to Lord Ralph Aversane, who has arranged a Midsummer’s Eve event on his estate. Lucy will act as hostess, while Ralph unravels the dark and dangerous mystery surrounding the death of his late wife. Lucy is the key and may also be able to unlock his guarded heart!Lady Beneath the VeilWhen Gideon Albury lifts his new bride’s veil he can’t believe his eyes – the woman before him is not the blonde beauty he’s been courting! Dominique Rainault is at the altar facing a very angry groom only because of her scheming cousin’s blackmail. Determined to seek a rapid annulment the married couple must keep their distance, but one stolen kiss may prove their undoing!

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