The Regency Season: Convenient Marriages: Marriage Made in Money / Marriage Made in Shame

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Содержание книги - The Regency Season: Convenient Marriages: Marriage Made in Money / Marriage Made in Shame Sophia James

The Regency Season: Convenient Marriages: Marriage Made in Money / Marriage Made in Shame - описание и краткое содержание, автор Sophia James, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Every marriage has its secrets…Marriage Made in MoneyLord Montcliffe must marry into money to save his debt-ridden estate, but no one ever said he should actually love the bride. He wants nothing from Amethyst Cameron except her wealth – until one scorching kiss all but undoes him. When Daniel uncovers the truth about his new wife, can he accept the true Amethyst and give in to the passion brewing between them!Marriage Made in ShameAdelaide Ashfield is running out of time – forced to choose a husband she accepts the hand of Gabriel Hughes, Earl of Wesley. Despite spurning the advances of some of society’s most eligible bachelors, she’s chosen the man with a debauched reputation. Determined to never trust men again, Adelaide’s resolve begins to falter at the handsome Earl’s touch…

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