From Boss to Bridegroom

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Содержание книги - From Boss to Bridegroom Victoria Pade

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This will be more than a nine-to-five affair!Cool, arrogant and sinfully attractive attorney Rand Colton was used to victory–whether in the courtroom or the bedroom. Heir to the Colton fortune, this self-assured bachelor had no need of anything…except the undivided attention of his stunning new assistant, Lucy Lowry. While Rand's instinct told him that Lucy wanted him just as much as he wanted her, he sensed that something–or someone–was holding her back. And as they worked to uncover the possibility of a Colton impostor, their electrifying attraction could no longer be denied. Yet Rand knew that it was going to take a lot more than his wealth and status to claim this guarded beauty as his…bride?

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