His Delicious Revenge: The Price of Retribution / Count Valieri's Prisoner / The Highest Stakes of All

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Содержание книги - His Delicious Revenge: The Price of Retribution / Count Valieri's Prisoner / The Highest Stakes of All Sara Craven

His Delicious Revenge: The Price of Retribution / Count Valieri's Prisoner / The Highest Stakes of All - описание и краткое содержание, автор Sara Craven, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

His Delicious RevengeRetributionWhen merciless tycoon Caspar Brandon all but destroys her sweet sister, Tarn Desmond is determined to make this notorious playboy pay… Caz is intrigued by the pure beauty of the new girl in his office – no one has ever said no to him before, and that’s just doubled his desire for her!KidnappedMaddie Lang’s from a sleepy little English village, so doesn’t expect a trip to Italy to end in her being held captive by the infamous Count Valieri… His price? Her innocence! And his expert touch sparks the first flickers of what could become dangerously addictive flames…High Stakes Joanna Vernon found herself the ultimate prize in a dangerous card game. When the last hand had been revealed, the knowing curl of the merciless Greek’s lip told her he had every intention of claiming his winnings…

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