Sexy, Single And Searching: Sexy, Single And Searching / Eager, Eligible And Alaskan

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Содержание книги - Sexy, Single And Searching: Sexy, Single And Searching / Eager, Eligible And Alaskan Lori Wilde

Sexy, Single And Searching: Sexy, Single And Searching / Eager, Eligible And Alaskan - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lori Wilde, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The Bachelors of Bear Creek, Alaska, better watch out!Sexy, Single and Searching by Lori Wilde Devil in a blue dress…Thanks to her conniving great-aunts, shy Cammie Jo Lockhart has won a trip to Alaska to meet the bachelor of her dreams. Only problem–she doesn't think she's adventurous enough to tame the local «wildlife.» Until she receives a special charm and becomes glamour gal Camryn Josephine–a femme fatale who is more than ready to show local playboy pilot Mack McCaulley that he's met his match!Eager, Eligible and Alaskan by Lori Wilde Did you say hot sex?Thanks to a shipboard hypnotist, those very words transform prim-and-proper heiress Sarah Stanhope into Sexy Sadie the stripper. Easygoing Jake Gerard has no idea what he's walked into when he rescues a boa-clad woman from a man dressed as Pepe Le Pew. But as the feathers fly and passions ignite, this very eligible bachelor vows to show Sadie he wants more than just hot sex…but marriage, as well!

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