The Gold Collection: A Bride For The Taking: Distracted by her Virtue / The Lost Wife / The Brooding Stranger

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Содержание книги - The Gold Collection: A Bride For The Taking: Distracted by her Virtue / The Lost Wife / The Brooding Stranger Maggie Cox

The Gold Collection: A Bride For The Taking: Distracted by her Virtue / The Lost Wife / The Brooding Stranger - описание и краткое содержание, автор Maggie Cox, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Distracted by Her BeautyRuthless property tycoon Jarrett Gaskill will stop at nothing to get what he wants – and High Ridge Hall is next on his list. So he’s shocked to find beautiful Sophia Markham already at the manor, refusing to leave. But Jarrett isn’t giving up easily, one way or another he will seal this deal!Taking Back His BrideJake Larsen never expected to see his estranged wife Ailsa, ever again – let alone find himself snowbound with her. Resisting one another’s burning touch is harder than ever, and the longer Jake stays, the more determined he is to win back the heart of the woman he once lost…A Shocking ProposalSeeking refuge from her past, Karen Ford has no intention of getting involved with any man – especially not the brooding stranger she meets one fateful day… Gray O’Connell is known for his cool demeanour, so Karen’s shocked when her rugged neighbour makes her a very intimate proposition!

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