Kissed by a Cowboy

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Содержание книги - Kissed by a Cowboy Pamela Britton

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THE COWBOY WHISPERERDeep down, Jillian has always known she couldn't be a wife and mother. After the pain she's experienced in past relationships, she can't risk the heartbreak. But she has her animals and her special gift, which has brought her to Via Del Caballo, California. The tiniest sign tells her everything an animal is feeling. To observers, it's uncanny.To Wes Landon, the stories of the gorgeous «horse whisperer» are so much mumbo jumbo. Then he sees Jillian in action, charming horses, dogs…even him. When his brand-new baby daughter is left in his care, Wes has hopes that Jillian would want to be part of his family. But the closer he tries to get to her, the more she pulls away. Can he convince her to take a leap of faith?

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