Ridge: The Avenger

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Содержание книги - Ridge: The Avenger Leanne Banks

Ridge: The Avenger - описание и краткое содержание, автор Leanne Banks, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Sons and Lovers «Groundbreaking! The Sons and Lovers series will enthrall you.» – bestselling author Suzanne ForsterSHE WAS THE MARRYING KIND… Ridge Jackson's plan was simple: protect lovely Dara Seabrook and get revenge on her godfather at the same time. Ridge was a professional; he knew the dangers of mixing business with pleasure. How then had the voluptuous brunette gotten under his skin?BUT HE WASN'T ABOUT TO GET HOOKED!Dara's sultry blue eyes soon made Ridge forget all about revenge and remember how good a woman's love could be. But now Dara was dangerously close to stealing his heart – and about to discover how she figured in an old score he had vowed to settle… .SONS AND LOVERS: Three brothers denied a father's name, but granted the gift of love from three special women.

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