Midnight Bride

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Возрастные ограничения - 18+

Содержание книги - Midnight Bride Barbara McCauley

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HALF-DROWNED. HALF-NAKED. NO MEMORY. That's how Agent Caleb hunter found the woman known to him only as Sarah. But he had reason to believe she didn't truly have amnesia and was not what she appeared. To test his theory, he hopped into bed with her, claiming to be her husband, wanting to exercise his conjugal rights. But his response was unexpected and shocking. This loner had been too long without a woman's caress… .Secluded in his remote mountain cabin, the two explored each other's bodies and hearts, knowing they only had a few days together. For beyond the cabin door, the real world – and their past secrets – beckoned, and threatened their passionate paradise… preventing them from truly becoming husband and wife.

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