Terms of a Texas Marriage

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Содержание книги - Terms of a Texas Marriage Lauren Canan

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When Shea Hardin weds Alec Morreston to save her family’s ranch, she swears the marriage will be in name only. But the suave billionaire wants her in his bed… and his proposition is dangerously tempting.Because of a two-hundred-year-old deed, modern Texas rancher Shea Hardin must wed wealthy landowner Alec Morreston to save her family home. She says yes—and swears this marriage will be in name only.But she underestimates him. One look at this suave billionaire and Shea knows staying out of Alec’s bed will be the toughest challenge of her life. His hungry lips and skilled touch may seal the deal—and her fate. Will he take her heart and her land? Or, on the brink of losing it all, will Shea gain everything…?

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