Fortune's Twins

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Содержание книги - Fortune's Twins Kara Lennox

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Welcome to MILLIONAIRE, MONTANA, where twelve lucky souls have won a multimillion-dollar jackpot.And where one millionaire in particular is… PREGNANT WITH TWINSSeems lottery winner Gwen Tanner's night of passion hit a second jackpot: twins! But the mom-to-be's baby boom will boost Jester's population by three, if new-guy-in-town Eli Garrett is in fact her offspring's sire. Heck, the mystery man is positively possessive of the prim, pregnant boardinghouse owner, buying the fixer-upper next door–and, rumor has it, baby booty galore!–while breaking down Gwen's defenses beneath her very own roof. Sparks are said to be ricocheting between the alleged former lovers, fueling stories of a shotgun wedding. Will the very pregnant bride and groom make the altar before the babies' debut?

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