In Hot Pursuit

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Содержание книги - In Hot Pursuit Joanne Rock

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NYPD detective Josh Winger has never been pursued like this before. Instead of focusing on his undercover investigation, he's being distracted by the gorgeous Lexi Mansfield. Josh can't bring himself to use his best evasive maneuvers to escape her. With his thoughts on steamy nights and tangled sheets, he really doesn't want to get out of her sights.Following the tempting-looking stranger at her fund-raiser starts out as a sexy game for Lexi. She'll spend a few anonymous hours in his company and be free to move on. But she never imagines that when Josh turns his scorching gaze on her, the game rules change. Now Lexi is being pursued in the most tantalizing, skillful way…and the stakes are for more than just a few hours of sexual pleasure.

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