A Price Worth Paying?

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Содержание книги - A Price Worth Paying? Trish Morey

A Price Worth Paying? - описание и краткое содержание, автор Trish Morey, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

When two bitter rivals… Why, why does her grandfather’s dying wish dictate that Simone Hamilton must marry a man she hates? The marriage might unite their warring families, but formidable Spaniard Alesander Esquivel is the last man on earth Simone would want to be in the same room with – let alone share a marital bed! …are forced to take one solemn vow…Alesander’s strongest desire used to be gaining the final piece of his business empire – but now it seems there are more pleasurable diversions for the taking… Having a wife could be useful – especially to entertain him during those sultry hot Spanish nights!‘Great story, great characters and hot passionate scenes…what more could one ask for? (Except for the book not to finish!!)’ – Catherine, IS Manager, Wakefield

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