A Reputation to Uphold

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Содержание книги - A Reputation to Uphold Victoria Parker

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire…When designer Eva St George, branded wild and shameless by the media, is caught with tycoon Dante Vitale, it’s guaranteed to make the headlines. With a fledgling reputation to salvage, how can Eva refuse Dante’s exit strategy? Only his solution is not to leave but to stay – together!This ruthless Italian’s sole focus is business, and if they can convince the world they’re truly in love they might just both get what they want. With enough heat between them to rival the Sahara, the fine line between business and pleasure is going up in flames.‘Guaranteed to leave you with a smile on your face, great romance story!’ – Belinda, Healthcare Worker, Uttoxeter www.caitlincrews.com

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