A Lawman's Christmas: A McKettricks of Texas Novel

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Содержание книги - A Lawman's Christmas: A McKettricks of Texas Novel Linda Lael Miller

A Lawman's Christmas: A McKettricks of Texas Novel - описание и краткое содержание, автор Linda Lael Miller, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

The sudden death of the town marshal leaves Blue River, Texas, without a lawman… and twenty-five-year-old Dara Rose Nolan without a husband.As winter approaches and her meagre seamstress income dwindles, she has three options. Yet she won’t give up her two young daughters, refuses to join the fallen women of the Bitter Gulch Saloon and can’t fathom condemning herself to another loveless marriage. Unfortunately she must decide—soon—because there’s a new marshal in town, and she’s living under his roof. With the heart of a cowboy, Clay McKettrick plans to start a ranch and finally settle down. He isn’t interested in uprooting Dara Rose and her children, but he is interested in giving her protection, friendship – and passion.And when they say “I do” to a marriage of convenience, the temporary lawman’s Christmas wish is to make Dara Rose his permanent wife…

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